Finding Peace in Your Hectic Schedule

First, I want to apologize for not writing as often as I should. My first week and a half of college have been amazing, but I’m still learning how to manage my time and balance everything I need to get done. My goal is to write a new post at least once a week, especially once I get settled into a routine.

I have learned so much in this past week or so that I’m honestly not sure where to begin. As crazy and stressful as it is, I’ve also been challenged to grow in my faith and have been given many opportunities to do so. Right now, I’m looking over at my planner and there are still so many things that I should have already finished doing. I still have a way to go when it comes to learning how to balance life in college! But, there has also been time to simply rest in God and listen for His guidance.

There are so many topics that I want to write about, but that will have to wait for another night when I can really focus on them. For now, I want to say that God has been teaching me the importance of community this week. I was blessed to become a part of a new women’s accountability group on campus, and I’m really looking forward to the opportunities to grow that I’ll find in that. It’s easy for me to become so focused on everything I need to get done that I forget to make relationships with people other than my suitemates and classmates. I’m learning how to branch out and replace what I want to get done with what God wants me to do.

If you’re in a situation like I am right now, make sure you don’t neglect your quiet time with God. It is so vital to our relationship with Him! Be careful not to let stress pull you away from time with Him. As we learned in chapel today, we need to “practice the presence of Christ.” Keep going, even though it seems crazy now. God has a plan and He will bring glory to His name. God sees you. Just trust Him.


Sarah 🙂

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