Getting Unsettled?

Well, this is my first post after moving in to my dorm. 🙂 I got settled in yesterday, and since then I’ve had a good bit of free time before classes start next week. While I’ve enjoyed not having anything I had to do, this has also left me feeling uneasy about what I “should” be doing. Now that I’m in college, I’m learning to take care of myself and make my own decisions, and the first decisions I’ve had to make have been things like deciding if I want to go meet new people or stay in my room. I am a somewhat extroverted person, but I’m not very good at mingling. So, I’ve been spending a good bit of my free time alone or with my roommate.

At first, I felt conflicted about that because I felt like I should be putting myself out there and making friends, but I just don’t feel comfortable walking up to people and introducing myself. I kind of felt bad about staying inside and on Facebook instead of being outgoing. But, as I sat outside with my Bible this morning listening to God, I felt Him telling me to relax. I didn’t have to do anything. I am free to stay inside and be quiet or go out and meet people. Either way, as long as I’m seeking to honor Him then I don’t have anything to worry about.

Why do we worry so much about what we’re “supposed to be doing” instead of simply doing as God leads us? There’s nothing wrong with making new friends, but there’s also nothing wrong with just enjoying some time to yourself. I pray that God would help us shed unnecessary worries and just enjoy time with Him.


Sarah 🙂

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